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How FieldTest is unleashing the power of AI for our advertisers.

AI isn’t just the future. At FieldTest, it’s already at work in your campaigns.

If you’ve been anywhere online over the last few months chances are you’ve probably heard a lot about AI technology. What started as an interesting oddity with a lot of creative potential has turned into a massive growth sector affecting all facets of digital life - from content creation to communication to, yes, even digital advertising. In fact, FieldTest has been on the cutting edge of this technology now for years. Before Dall-e made creating images as simple as typing a few words into a text field and ChatGPT made you question if the person on the other end of the support chat was a robot, FieldTest was putting the latest AI technology to work on the back end of our advertising platform to make it perform its absolute best. Just how exactly? Let’s take a closer look.

Anyone who has run a FieldTest campaign should be familiar with the FieldTest Pixel - a snippet of code that allows us to collect your traffic data and is the key component to all of our data products and services. This small but crucial piece of the puzzle gives us the ability to track every click, impression, site visit and sale and present it all to you on your campaign dashboard, but its capabilities do not end there! It’s also the core component of our Audience Predictor AI, the secret weapon behind our most powerful audience targeting features.

If you’re a FieldTest advertiser and not familiar with our Audience Predictor AI, you may still be familiar with the work it does. Specifically, it is the driving force behind the Lookalike audiences within the ‘Pixel Audiences’ menu in your campaign builder. It works like this: You build a custom prospecting audience using our audience selector menu and publish your custom ads to the consumers within it. Then, as these consumers engage with your ads, we track the top performers and optimize towards them continually building a more and more defined fingerprint of your true core audience - but the fun part is what comes next.

From this stage, our audience predictor takes the reins. It analyzes your customer ‘fingerprint’ as collected by your top performers and creates entirely new audience segments full of untapped potential based on consumer data you may never have considered before. It does this by comparing the profile of your proven customers to the available profiles of the billions of other intenders out there on the internet. If your proven customers all live in major cities, drive electric cars, wear certain brands of clothes and shop on a handful of specific online retailers, it stands to reason that other people who meet those same criteria do as well. That’s not where our AI’s work ends, it goes much deeper into the data to identify consumer trends and purchase intent in order to create as complete a model of your customer profile as possible, all driven by data. The best part? The longer you run FieldTest campaigns, the more accurate and effective our AI is at predicting these consumer behaviors. 

FieldTest's AI technology has already made a major performance impact for our clients. It has changed the way advertisers approach their campaigns and connect with their customers for the better. It allows not only for more precision in their targeting but for more efficiency in their optimizations, and the possibilities for the future are even more exciting. As our AI continues to learn and adapt, the potential for success only increases. With its cutting-edge capabilities, FieldTest's AI is poised to take your ad campaigns to new heights. The future is bright for AI-powered digital advertising, and FieldTest is leading the charge. Get ready for the future of marketing, because it's here and it's powered by FieldTest's AI technology.