iOS 14 has Facebook Shuffling its Ad Operation, How Does This Affect Your Marketing?

Data has been the subject of a lot of discussion lately. From how it is collected, to how it is used, to just whose hands it is liable to land in, the last few years have seen an intense discussion arise around consumer privacy rights and data collection. 

This has left several of the big tentpole advertising platforms, some of the largest data collectors online, shuffling their ad policies in an attempt to stay ahead of controversy. Facebook in particular is put in an awkward position by these shifts. As the latest iOS 14 update in April allows iPhone users to opt out of having their devices tracked by mobile apps, and with a similar feature coming soon to android, Facebook’s primary source of user data has been cut off leaving them struggling to meet certain standards of targeting accuracy and reach they once promised. 

Still, despite the fact that their ads are both less effective and more expensive than ever, Facebook is far from on the ropes. Their latest quarterly earnings report showed their bottom line increasing from previous quarters, despite their revenue being driven almost entirely by advertising (some estimates show about 98% of FB revenue is collected through advertisers). Clearly these shifts are doing little to faze the large tech giants, but how do they affect the advertiser? If you already advertise on Facebook the answer is clear: You simply eat the cost increases and accept the lowered efficiency and effectiveness of this new digital advertising landscape. After all, Facebook has that market completely cornered, right?

This state of affairs is truly sad to see for us at FieldTest. We think advertisers deserve better than the fudged numbers and ever increasing costs of advertising on Facebook. This latest hurdle in data collection may be a sign of things to come for all digital advertising, but some platforms are built to handle the transition to the new data landscape better than others. When advertisers, especially those who run smaller businesses with stricter budgets are fed up with the runaround from Facebook, FieldTest is here to show you how much better it can be.

Our ad costs are set directly to the market so you know you’re never having your costs inflated, and the data collected from our tracking pixels is 100% first party, meaning you never have to worry about it being obtained in shadowy ways like on-device tracking or hacking. It’s all purely from your site traffic. You’ll also get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you will always get full data transparency from the reporting on the FieldTest Platform. No fake metrics or phony reporting meant to cover for poor performance. We want your ads to do well, and we know that requires a full understanding of your data and a measure of trust that your advertising platform isn’t going to pull any tricks like raising costs while stripping your targeting options. 

If you’re getting fed up with Facebook, sign up for FieldTest and see what you can accomplish by promoting your brand to the 60% of online traffic that is not on social media!

Sign up today or get in touch to find out how to get started


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